Monday, July 20, 2015

Seven out of twelve

With a blink of an eye, we're already halfway through the year.. is it just me or does time go by faster and faster the older you get? How would you rate 2015 so far and based on what? For me, it's those precious moments of laughter and happiness, sharing delicious meals with loved ones, practising and perfecting that ballet position for weeks..

One of our fav brunch spots at the Cupping room, can never decide what to get.. Slow cooked salmon or avocado on homemade toast?

Stocking up our fridge with loads of greens <3 

Mission Hills birthday celebrations with HKIS friends

A little dessert after dinner never hurt anyone. :P Playing some chess and learning backgammon

Fish eye view of our family dinner at Country Club 

Macau for the weekend: go-kart, indian food and beauty & the best musical. Happy days

RAD grade 4 exam completed! On to grade 5 and possibility intermediate foundation :) I wish I could practise ballet all day long, so much to learn and areas to improve. 

The Lee micro forest, me being the bunny in the family :D awww...

 My Dad's 'dung-look' birthday celebrations @ Whisk ;)

Father's day brunch at Shelter's Lounge, talk about huge salads.

Celebrating Yves's big 3-0! Home cooked foodies and just chilling with friends.

heehee hello kitty dim sum in Jordan. Super cute buns but tasted just alright.

Keeping busy with work and counting down to our August holiday, can't wait :]