Our third stop and probably my personal favourite on the cruise: Kusadasi's on Turkey's Aegean coast.
House of Virgin Mary, now a modest chapel where Virgin Mary supposedly lived during her last days..
Ephesus, the ancient Greek city of Asia Minor and once the trade centre of the ancient world, a religious centre of the early Christianity.
So many cats lazing around in the shade.
Nike, the winged Goddess of Victory and messenger of Zeus.
Inside the Ephesus terrace houses and its amazing to see how much has been preserved over time. The houses are still undergoing significant archaeological work and being excavated slowly but surely. You can walk through these ancient homes that were once inhabited by wealthy Ephesians.
Celsus Library - the library had three entrance doorways flanked by four statues. These figures with inscribed bases represented four qualities: wisdom (sophia), intelligence (ennoia), knowledge (episteme) and virtue (arete).
The Grand Theatre of Ephesus.
Moving on to the next site, the Basilica of St. John and his tomb.
Some appetisers followed by this cripsy Turkish pastry with cheese.
Grilled seabream with a genererous squeeze of lemon.
Doing a bit of shopping at the bazaar and looking at beautiful art work with inlays of geometric designs. Persian micro-mosaic inlay work is called Khatam, made with materials such as bone, mother-of-pearl or metal pieces. We got two small jewellery boxes while our parents bought some beautiful new backgammon sets.
Have started learning how to play about 1-2 months ago, quite fun on a chill weekend..
Sampling the Greek inspired buffet for dinner. Love the calamari and baked cheese.

Good night Kusadasi :)