It's been a rainy and humid month in Hong Kong which means summer is just around the corner. What are you looking forward to this summer? Can't wait for June to come around after a busy month of May with one event or activity following another. And then in six days time I'll finish my ballet exam (finally) and hopefully pass with flying colors ;) I hope I have good news to share by late June.
After our dimsum lunch in TST, we walked through Kowloon Park and learned that there's flamingos living here! heehee pretty serene in the urban jungle.
J and I having an early dinner at Upper Modern Bistro in Sheung Wan. Seafood Bruschetta with smoked salmon, crab and swordfish. Their french bread was so good, I could just live on this if you serve it up with soft butter.
The only time we make breakfast is on the weekends. Tomato omelette with avocado and lemon juice. So simple and nutritious.
Dinner with the cousins at On Lot 10 on Gough street. I can't remember the last time I had so much to drink but still held up so well to make it to my dance class the next day at 10:30am. *Pats myself on the back.
Naha! J trying the 737 flight simulator experience in Megabox. He took off in Chek Lap Kok, flew around HK and landed in Kai Tak. Even though I was just an observer, I was getting all sweaty and anxious just watching him. :P
Our relay race team! Although we couldn't qualify to the finals it was fun to practice together and cheer on the other teams :) I forget how tough it is to sprint..definitely a slow and steady paced kinda girl.
A very popular sport amongst the French: petanque. Wasn't very familiar with the rules until I saw everyone playing. Even with the unstable rainy season, everyone was having a pretty good time with the music blasting and just being together outside of the office. Good times :)