Wow, it's been over 4 months since I've last touched this blog. *sheepish grin. Pretty crazy how fast time flies. At first everything was humming happily along but the past 2 months have buzzed by like a blink of an eye. Where even to start... How about some photo-updates taken during my favorite month? :)
J's sketch before his big master piece. I have no idea why I have a yellow chick or lil duck fetish but everytime I see rilakkuma my heart melts... Makes me feel so happy. :P
Icing the chocolate and vanilla cake. Baking truly is therapeutic.
Hard at work :P
Looking good? haha Trying to work fast because the icing wasn't quite right.
Wow good job with decorating and didn't hurt that it tasted good! Good old Betty Crocker can't go wrong :D *omnomnom
So ever since Ms B's opened at Pacific Place (cafe called C'est la B) I've been loving all their cakes! Cake on the left is the: OMG - gluten free chocolate cake smothered in layers of chocolate mousse and fresh whipped cream. In between the layers there's meringue with cocoa nibs. It's sugar free too can you believe it? Then on the right side there's Be Gaga'd with thee lightest chocolate chiffon with grape jelly and blueberries. Outer coating of oreo crisps and adorned with marshmellows and silver lolly pearls. One word sums it up: YUM.
Okay, after all that cake eating..time to burn off some calories. A gorgeous October day on the Violet Hills.
Dragging my friends out for a hike on a Sunday morning. <3 y'all.
Almost there! Lunch is just around the corner.
At long last it's complete. ^^ Getting more excited for our big day as things are slowly coming together. Although there were some frustrating moments with the card revisions as some people were not working on the correct the end the outcome was exactly how we wanted it to be.

Annnd...just sixty some days to go. :) About a month ago we took our engagement photos at J's grandparent's home. Beautiful house & backyard..something not commonly seen in HK. We took the entire Saturday taking some fun shots and grabbing some Indian food for lunch (super happy pegz). Originally we were going to take all outdoor shots like go to the park, somewhere green and carefree but in the end we listened to our photographer and wore some long gowns and took some indoor shots and the photos came out really nice. Was my first time with full make up and doing photo shoots like a model. I used to think models had it easy but dang was I wrong. After that one day of posing, I was sick for the whole week. Boss almost kicked me out of the office because I was sniffling so much.

My gun's name is Munchkins and you better not mess with me. >:)
Wedding gown - Alterations on Nov 5
Wedding Veil - Purchased, arriving in mid Oct
Qua - Done
Cheong Sam - Fittings done yesterday, completion in Nov
Bridesmaid dresses - Arrived today. Fitting & alternations needed.
Shoes, Make-up artist, Hair Confirmed
Put together a schedule rundown - drafted
Pick and scan photos for slide show - In progress
Pick songs - In progress
Learn first dance - In progress (share more next time heehee)
Menu tasting - This Friday