This photograph was taken in the early morning of April 4th, 2010, the first time we saw the sunrise together in Inner Mongolia. The night before, we all had a late night playing Kings with a bottle of Jack Daniels and Absolut (haha remember what happened to the Korean guy the next day?), no one slept well in the freezing yurts, we all wore close to 3-4 layers of clothes but man it was still so darn cold. So on the day of, the gung-ho spirited gal that I am decided to try waking everyone up but people were still pretty grumpy or unresponsive to leave their sleeping bags. As I was already up and knew that I probably would not be able to fall asleep again, I decided to venture out by myself despite the fact that the barren plains were pitch dark at the time. Knocked on our neighbors yurt where J was sleeping in and similarly he mumbled a incoherent 'no thanks' as well. As no one wanted to come with me at 5:30AM in the morning I decided that an amazing photograph would be worth it. Headed out and saw a low glow of light towards my left and headed off in that direction.. About 3 minutes later, my cell phone rang (yes, China mobile is amazing to cover even the northern reaches) and J was calling to ask me where I was because he wanted to catch up with me! As I stood there waiting for him, I remember feeling really warm and fuzzy inside because to me I knew that this was a very special moment that I've never experienced. For a guy who enjoys sleeping in and opts to take afternoon classes, I knew that normal friend just wouldn't go through this much trouble. :)
Flash forward in time... April 23rd, 2012 definitely not the last time we'll be watching the sunset together.
Photo taken in Palau during our scuba diving excursion. Snorkeling is really fun but diving is just going to a whole new level. It's an experience that defies gravity and even pushes you to the limit, beyond what a normal human being can accomplish. One thing that I loved whilst diving is letting go of everything and just focusing on breathing. As a beginner, I think that's pretty important. heh duh. Probably best not to mess around with taking photos/videos but just focus on what's ahead with a clear mind. Felt like a big fish and wondered what it would be like swimming and living in the Ocean. :P Guess if that were the case, life would be a lot more simple than it is now, focusing on pure survival.
So now that things have settled down bait following J's sweet proposal ;) we've started our wedding planning. With the venue and date confirmed it's going to a whole lot of work before the special day. On my immediate list of to dos:
Wedding gown - Purchased, pending alterations :D
Wedding Veil
Qi Pao - Purchased, pending alterations
Cheong Sam
Bridesmaid dresses - Chose style and color, pending measurements and order
Shoes - First ever Jimmy Choos
Reserve make-up artist
Test trial with make-up artist
Decide on what to do for the hair
Accessories (earrings/necklace)
Put together a schedule rundown for the day
Pick and scan photos for slideshow
Organize fun bridesmaid getogether in Dec! :D
Countdown: 206 Days