Harriet Van Horne
Christmas is the time for wonderful homey comfort food. And by saying that we signed up for a Christmas cooking class on Dec 20 @ City Super Harbour City. hehe It was quite fun and the food was of course wonderful! I was expecting more of an industrial kitchen but it was really nice, each person having a little work station.

I might be a bit biased but I think J is a pretty good cook. I like being his sous chef ;)
My neat work area before the cooking begins.
Look at my hunking piece of rib eye prior to cooking' and roastin' :D
Fresh rosemary, garlic, butter? and lots of sat & pepper. Chop them all together and then poke small holes around the sides of the steak and fill them up so it infuses into the meat to give it a great flavor. Thereafter, a light drizzle of olive oil and more salt on both sides of the meat. Heat up the pan until its ready to smoke and put the meat in. *chssshh Sear all sides for a few minutes and then pop them into the oven at 220degrees for 2-3 minutes for a nice medium rare. Originally the teacher was going to do the whole slab of beef without cutting them out into individual portions but some of the other people wanted a more hands on approach.

On to make my salmon & fig salad. :P I love decorating the layout of food so I wouldn't mind the job title of restaurant plater.
Last but not least skipping the whole cooking process, pumpkin soup with puff pastry - ta daa! Really chill evening and a fun experience as I haven't had a cooking class since SC home economics class. :)