Yayyy the long weekend has arrived! Going to Macau tomorrow to sightsee, watch the house of dancing water with J's family and of course eat some yummy portugese food. Mm...haven't had a portugeese egg tart in forever! :D I'm also feeling pretty happy with myself this week, I was able to go running after work on Mon, Wed and Fri..and it feels great to work up a sweat again! Have been thinking of signing up to Fitness First or Pure so I can get some consistent work-outs. We'll see how that goes. Would be nice to exercise during lunch for 30-45 minutes, shower and then grab a sandwich on the way back. :P
I'm kinda looking forward to and also stressing about our upcoming Asia Training Seminar - 5 more days until Bintan and 7 more days until Singapore. Stressing because I feel like I'm the event coordinator liaising with the participants so if anything goes wrong, I feel like I'm held accountable? *eeks. Hope the event and general logistics goes well. Any must see's or hawker centers to visit in Singapore? Will aim to keep it really relaxing and walk around soaking up the sights and smells.
A photo recap from last 2 weeks. Tried Betty's Kitchen @ IFC with J's parents on his lil break-away celebration. :D The salad was so delicate and pretty! Almost didn't want to dig in.
Duck Confit. After watching Jamie Oliver cook it on TLC it kinda blew my mind as to how long the whole cooking process takes. First you got to rub and cover it in salt/herbs for over a day then the fat gets rendered and placed into an oven so the meat slowly cooks for a few hours. After removing it from the heat, the meat is stored and submerged in it's own fat! *Gurgle gurgle.. You can preserve it for a couple of months and then when you're ready to eat...grill it up until the skin turns crispy again. I'll let the french chef's cook this bc I don't think I have the patience to be Julia Child.

Chicken and braised ribs with sugar snaps.
Just chilling on a beautiful Saturday at AC. Didnt take any photos from Andrea's boat party but it was a pretty chill night and the pot luck was pretty yum. The malteeser mini cupcakes, gaucamole with black corn chips AND brie with mermaid bread was...amazzzing. And of course I'll never grow old of the hummus from Great. :]

Back to Back.

Walking along the Peak morning trail and do you see what I see? Find Waldo :)

Brunch with dad at Oolaa. Half of a brekky burrito & one egg. No need to say anymore..except that breakfast rules ;)

*yawwwns so tired..Time for bed n' good night. xxx