Hehe, celebrated Valentines Day on Sunday with my booey J. The afternoon begun at around 3ish when we turned on our oven and burned it in for first time. Once the plastic smell was gone I started on my sugar cookies. As I was kneading away, Chef J was busy prepping away and washing his vegetables. :) Was tough not peaking at what he was doing with his mischievous grin. hehe After my cookies finished I decorated them with red icing and white heart sprinkles for the domokun teeth (he said that was pretty inventive since I had no white icing sugar) teehee.
Nehoo I stayed out of the kitchen even though I asked him if he needed any help. He said no worries, everything was under control. Felt bad though because he spent so much time in there. hehe And before I knew it ta da first up was the appetizers. This was probably my fav.. <3 I love mushrooms and this time they were capped with a generous portion of spinach & 3 cheeses, all baked to perfection! Not soggy and loved the flavor from the feta, cream cheese and sprinkle of parmesan. Mm..I've never had anything quite like this before in the restaurants. About 10 minutes later he kindly informed me to leave the dining premises and remain in the room. Off I go, wondering what he's up to and not long later I hear some clicking sounds and then... some John Legend tunes. yeyeeehhh~
'Lets go to the park...' Chef J peeks his head in with a smile and tells me everythings ready. Off I go with eyes covered annnd when I open them..whoaa there were red candles scattered and the table was all set up with foodies/drinks. Was totally speechless by how far J went to make this a romantic experience. Aww.. thank you :') Felt so warm and fuzzy inside.. & I still have a smile on my face thinking about how sweet the surprise was. So we take a seat and he opens the pot and out billows the steam from the chicken cacciatore. He said he wanted to bring home this dish which he would enjoy back when he was living in LA. It's a really nice comfort dish with chopped bell peppers (only one but it made the sauce so nice n' sweet) onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and oregano. With some fresh cracked peppers? Jeng! And matched with basmati crispy rice and a spray of 'I can't believe it's not butter' makes a harmonious match. hehe Normally I eat all my salads before the main but this time the salad would have to wait. tai ho mei ahhh. *pat pat tummy.
hehe After eating J opens my lil prez & card and we take pictures with the new polaroid camera. =) As we munch on his strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and watch Wall-E, I still can't believe how thoughful J was in taking the time to buy groceries, prep and cook everything. Too sweet and happy to feel that not only today but also any ordinary day as well. I feel very lucky to spend my first valentines with J through such an incredible dining experience *omnomnom the way to my heart is through my tummy. hehe Not only do I love a man who has great qualities but also one who can cook up a great meal. YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY WON ALL BROWNIES POINTS IN MY BOOK. haha <3

Thank you for the wonderful evening.

Btw when did this whole domokun theme come into play? OH when you drew it...not just our packing boxes. ;)