Had a lovely Christmas & New Year celebration and hope everyone around me did too =) I know alot of people aren't feeling well at the moment but I hope after some good rest and time for recovery, everyone will start feeling healthy once again.
So how was 2010 for you? Any breakthroughs, memorable experiences, setbacks or happy times? For me..2010 was undoubtedly amazing. Get over it Peggy but...I still can't! :P You know that feeling you get when life has become so very tranquil because you've made it that way. Perfectly content w/ everything and have settled for calmness. The way you expect no more but also no less for yourself. Then all of a sudden, whoaa a change of pace with this overwhelming flow of highs and happiness.. How does one handle that? Does everyone feel that way when they meet someone special in their life? I don't think I've ever been so gushy like this.. =P One year has gone by, can't believe how fast time flies.. Do you feel like eversince you graduated from high school, each year goes by faster and faster? I wish there were more hours in each day or perhaps I just needed less time to sleep. With at least 8 hours devoted to work each day, I feel like there's not enough time to do all the things that I want to do. We all talk about having quality personal time..that quiet afternoon where you do nothing but prop your legs up somewhere, or go for a massage, collect your thoughts, look back on the hectic week and just breathhh. A good level of self examination is good as indulgence and relaxation is not enough. That quest when you loose track of time whilst immersing yourself in a satisfying task. In the Elle opinion magazine today, it said something like 'repression is not the way to virtue. It is only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason' - but
concentration and endeavour are what really make us content, not endless opportunities for achieving nothing much. Tis true, maybe that's why studies have shown that despite material advantages and more leisure time, the last few decades have shown no corresponding rise in happiness in the developed world. Hard work and love is what makes most of us happy and even if we had more time you still need that special purpose to make things meaningful. Hmmm..very interesting and perhaps agreeable that the process/journey is sometimes just as fun as arriving to the destination. =)
With all the crazies that happened in 2010 I wonder what will come out of the new year? New start and new pages to be written. =)