Absolutely gorgeous HOT weather this past weekend..trying to enjoy the sunshine as much as I can and sat/sun was definitely one of them! I don't know what's gotten over me but I'm like so hardcore all of a sudden. Trying to jam pack my days with outdoor activities hehe :P On Saturday went biking in under 4 hours (plus lunch break) and Sunday was the much anticipated 'beat the banana run.' It was so much fun and the sun was pretty scorchy by 9am which luckily didn't affect us too much because our run was so brief.
Nehoo dad drove me to Central ferry at 7.45am because I kind of woke him up and and I was able to snap a few shots along the pier side. Pretty huh? I kinda tweaked the colors in the first picture, there's no way the sky looks like that in the morning. :P

So..I can proudly say that I beat the banana!!!!! No I did not run under 10 minutes but the guy ran much slower to let the normal runners catch up. Yves was ahead of me and I could see the Banana right in front of her and I kept laughing because the scene was just too funny. Right before reaching halfway I was able to run ahead of him and I turned back and gave him 2 thumbs up sign. :) I bet he was melting in that costume. hehe

After our quick run, we walked over to Elements to grab some food from 360 before taking the train to Tung Chung! And yeah, we spent most portions of our day wearing/carrying our frog balloons as ornaments. :) We saw some ppl with balloons twisted into the shape of a tiny monkey and it was really adorable so we asked these 2 volunteer to make the same for us. They were both holding on to a half finished green balloon and they paused awkwardly and asked us if we wanted frogs instead. LOL. Sure :P We named our balloons Herbert & Percy. Totally random names. heeh
When we arrived at Tung Chung we took the New Lantau buses to Tai O (no. 11 costing $19 dollars). Neither of us have ever been to Tai O before and we got off the bus after we passed Cheung Sha Beach and Shek Kip Reservoir. Kinda felt like Amazing Race without the team competition. How awesome would it be if we were on that show?! *Dreams.. heh So we began our hike at Lantau Trail Stage 5 and although we meant to do stage 6 as well, I guess we sorta went offtrack during the remaining 2.5 km - the signs weren't very clear. Didn't see that many hikers at all apart from some young adults in the beginning and 4 mountain bikers. They were really friendly and we sort of had a brief conversation with them and they commented on our bright yellow t-shirts, took pictures of us (one guy carried his bike over his shoulders to look like a macho man *chuckles ) and they also commented how it's hard to find 'beauties in the woods.' lol. Guess we should haven given him extra props for his confidence to openly compliment strangers. heh Overall the hike was very much like Dragon's back but there was just one section where we both instantly responded like this: 'O....M.....G...' *GASP, DESPAIR, DUBIOUS.. We were both expecting a really easy trail but when we saw this huge inclination, seriously I was quietly swearing to myself. This picture doesn't do it justice. +_+"
@ Tai O - the fishing village.

First things on our minds when we arrived was an unanimous desire to eat ice cream.=D After we found & finished our frozen popsicle whilst meandering through the streets, we stumbled upon this cozy lil cafe in one of the stilt houses. Had some mellow music playing in the background and the sunshine was able to peep nicely through. Perfect place to hang out.

Although it was an extremely tiring weekend and suffered from a slight heatstroke but twas the perfect way to end January. =)
If I was around in March, I would join this: http://www.orbis.org.hk/walkforsight/
If I feeling splurge-like I would buy a plane ticket and bring myself back to HK to do the SC 10km run on the 28th. Even if it means running alone and staying only for the weekend :P
If I really wanted to have a good time, I'd go to Thailand / Philippines and get a nice tan over CNY.
Countdown: 20 days.