What a rare but pretty sight on Christmas Day :) You could sort of say we had a 'white' Christmas and we watched it blow in until visibility was super low. I remember it being really exciting and mysterious when you had to drive through fog at night..in Vancouver that is. Not too often that we get to see fog in the lower elevations around here.
So what are your opinions on this: a turn on or turn off? Me thinks this is a very cool blazer and we should ALL get one and wear it out. hahaa We were shopping for a Lady Gaga outfit the other day for yves costume party and whilst at zara, we spotted this black top with flat rectangular shoulder pads like no tomorrow. It was soooo ROFL HILARIOUS! We couldn't stop laughing *giggles.. I'm sure if you look through your mom's closet, there's gotta be quite a few suits with these humonngous shoulder pads.. hehe Well this modernized version (or reincarnation with a mix of spongebob + cereal box look) gives off a sleek, avant-garde vibe which I was seriously digging because it made me smile =P
So boxing day out was fun with the SC crew. Happy peggy with perfect levels of tipsy-ness and dancing. I think I was giving people the impression that I was drunk which I was not. Okay maybe a littoh bit. =P Can't help it, the boys keep on buying and distributing. Seriously I owe them like 10 shots or something. At Sahara before clubbing.. When was the last time we had shisha? Can't remember..The place is same same and the owner Dodi is still overly welcoming with that slightly ham sup glint in his eye. *shudders
Anyhoo this is pretty random but saw it today & thought it was really sweet, almost teared up. Check out his Dec 24th blog.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas! : )
"When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do
Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true"
Just thought of this song today (from the Disney movie Pinocchio)..and thought it was kinda christmassy :P I'm really in the mood to stay indoors for christmas this year just because there's way too many people on the streets. In the meantime will hibernate by reading, stream some tv shows (perhaps watch how i met your mother) and rest up for boxing day. hehe Have a good one! xx
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thanks guys for hearing me out. Last day will be Feb 20th 2009 and i'm feeling much better. Last week was..pure misery. Can't believe it's rolling in motion now. I love my 2 bosses so much because they're so supportive of me..but it's just really tough to take it in when it feels like you're ending a perfect relationship :(
Oh well, must cheer myself up. I know every girl has probably watched this a hundred times and all the guys are probably rolling their eyes over the unnecessary fuss but seriously...he is going to be one heartbreaker when he grows up. So cute. With a smile like that it must be hard being his parents.
So our second annual 'HoHoHo' Christmas Party was another success and absolutely de-lish! It's great to have experienced cooks like myron and jacky in the kitchen.. Carmen, yves and I primarily helped with the prep work, chopping away like diligent Santa helpers =) On the menus this year: twisted puff pastry with cheese, garlic bread, candied yams, mashed potatoes, garlic bread, carbonara pasta, turkey, 2 different types of sausages wrapped with bacon, scallops wrapped in bacon, shepard's pie, peanut butter fudge and chocolate cake. So much food, not enough elasticity in our jeans. Tis the seasons for X'mas muffin tops. Yep, it took 5 ppl to ensure that our mashed potatoes were properly made with the perfectissimo ratio of lumps, seasoning and cream. Watching jacky's choc cake being baked in the oven. This bad boy took forever to cook. So while we waited, we maximized the oven space by cooking cheese sticks! mmm....uber moist interior chocolate cake with the additions of chocolate chip and sour cream. We nibbled away on the crunchy exteriors. teehee Scallops & bacon..one of my favs for the night. Last year vs this year. Merry Christmas guys :) Thanks to yves's family for letting us make a mess of their kitchen once again. It would've been perrrfect if I had a glass of cold milk to go with my chocolate cake and if I didn't have to go to work the next day. I think if I had an oven at home, I would seriously bake to my heart's content and feed all my friends around me. I kinda miss the joy in cooking, too darn tired to shop for groceries or fuss about in the kitchen nowadays.
Okay must go run this week. Too many christmas meals+partying makes me feel like a Michelin woman.
Monday, December 14, 2009
This past weekend I stayed at home (sat/sun literally STAYED AT HOME) and watched a whole load of chick flicks online. One of them included 'My Blueberry Nights' which made me uber hungry the entire way. Although the pace gets a tad slow in the middle, I still find a way to enjoy Wong Kar Wai's films..
Two quotes I particularly liked:
For the last few days I've been learning how to not trust people, I'm glad I failed. Sometimes we depend on other people's mirror to define us and tell us who we are. And with each reflection..it makes me like myself a little more.
Sometimes your rhythm's off, you read the person right but still do the wrong thing. Not because you don't trust them...but because you can't even trust yourself.
And the one that stands out the most:
Jeremy: If I threw these keys away then those doors would be closed forever and that shouldn't be up to me to decide, should it? Elizabeth: I guess I'm just looking for a reason. Jeremy: From my observations, sometimes it's better off not knowing, and other times there's no reason to be found. Elizabeth: Everything has a reason.
Whilst on the topic of pies: blueberry pie, blackberry pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate cream pie, banana cream pie, chocolate pecan pie, key lime pie..topped off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream please and thank you. I could use a classic american diner meal. Oh which reminds me on fri night I was standing outside prive and then right there in my face I see Simplicity Crepes+Wine. I knew it was on Wyndham street but didn't expect it to be bang on in the middle of lkf. lol It's not quite how I expected it to be but I didn't get a chance to try out their crepes so next time for sure! No lifelong supply of free crepes *darn*, but I do get cordially invited to meet their management team which is pretty neat. I have to admit that I've never um..received red carpet treatment like this before. teehee
***Updated*** I beg your pardon I get dining vouchers and a bottle of moet! OH yeah baby le champagne est mon favori.. Don't worry I like to share the joy ;)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Ever feel like you're always living in a very comfortable and grounded life? And when you've been in this kind of safe environment for so long, you don't want to make a sudden movement in fear that the equilibrium that you've so carefully created will be ruined. I feel like I'm going to be making a big risk, letting go of all the things that I've grown accustomed to but at the same time I feel like a young bird peeking out of her cage, wanting to see and experience so much more that the world has to offer. :P
Time for some festive pictures & counting down until Christmas!
Work of art at Lane Crawford & reminds me of a coca-cola ad.
Walking around PP after lunch with Karen.
At exchange square. Don't remember why I was there..oh right picking up my passport.
Red does a mean mushroom and truffle oil pizza.
In kowloon side for hot pot.
Sift. Always room for dessert.
My fav hangout.
hehe baby red velvet cupcake!!*happy
Monday, December 7, 2009
"Everything is fine. We're not splitting up."
*Shakes head in dismay..He's let not only his family down but his fans around the world. =T Guess there's nothing else he can do but say that he'll continue striving to be a better person. If you were married..and you were in HER position (but your hubby wasn't Mr. Woods) would you be able to accept what happened if the opposite sex was truly sorry & regretted for the entire series of events? I know without a doubt I would not be able to accept it but...under various circumstances, it's really hard to make that decision and say bye when you've made the commitment to stay by his/her side forever. Dang..
I couldn't help copying this from an email that I received recently:
Tiger's new movie is out: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Hydrant.
Apparently the police asked Tiger's wife how many times she hit him. She said "I don't know exactly… but put me down for a 5."
Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole-in-one.
What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.
What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing. :P
Phil Mickelson contacted Tiger's wife to pick up some tips on how to beat Tiger!
What does Tiger Woods and a seal cub have in common? They both get clubbed by Norwegians.
Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn’t decide between an iron and a wood.
H a p p y B i r t h d a y! When I'm hyper I like to sing 'Pinky and the Brain' song to her..amongst many other ones as well. Had a fun day on Sat at Ocean Park. So incredibly warm that I had to pull out my shorts & flip flops again. Global warming..it's inevitable.. =( Went on the Abyss for the first time with feet and toes hanging out in mid-air, overlooking the southern side..super uber jeng! The fishy-watery element: A lil surprise for the bday girl :) Can't get away without the panda element. Had fun. I heart ocean park.