The other day I was talking to my close friend about what we want to do before we die. Here's what I have in mind and these are the places or things I want do do before I'm 27-28:
1. Visit Vientiane and Luang Prabang. Backpacking style!
2. Ride a motorcycle down Vietnam.
3. Go to India, take the train somewhere and eat curry everyday until I'm sick of it :P
4. Travel to Maldives & Bali - resort style!
5. Go bungee jumping dive?!? But that is only if someone will do it
with me. =D Macau Sky Tower anyone?
6. Or maybe just to make things simpler, can someone just hook me up with Anthony Bourdain so that I can work for him? hehe
And speaking of traveling I'm going to 杭州 next Thursday! It's just a really short trip with my colleagues but I've heard that its a really pretty city and HZ's West Lake is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage sites. =) Another picturesque place I really want to visit in China is Guilin although my relatives told me it's really polluted and poorly preserved like all the commonly visited places in China.
"Be born in Suzhou, live in Hangzhou, eat in Guangzhou, die in Liuzhou." (生在苏州, 活在杭州, 吃在广州, 死在柳州)