Thought: I want to deactive my facebook account but that wouldn't be cool right? I'd be leveraging and distancing myself = making things worse. Not that I even go on anymore unless I get an email notice.. sigh. Whatever, I just want to crawl under my blanket and sleep n' sleep until a few dates that I'm looking forward to. Guess I'll just work and keep my mind off things.
At first it wasn't that big of a deal but now I'm always reminded of things that we'd smile about. Thanks K for the talk last nite. I'm glad we're keeping up with our meetings so that it's not like we only meet once a month. :) Sometimes you appear weaker and me the stronger independent one but I guess I'm not much better off than you. *chuckles. And thanks to A for the hug & reassurance. It's nice to have a familiar feeling of the past normality. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be happy when I go out for a very very veryy long time. It's all about the mind I guess.. the songs, the places, the jello.. I don't want to be in hibernation mode but all the good times we had seems so hard to attain as a group now :(
This is pretty annoying eh. Normally I don't like to post really personal/direct stuff about myself here.. Sorry. It'll be my last, I'll save the really grim stuff in my physcial diary. You'll see no more of this, promise!
Peggy just deal with it, get with the program. And think happy happy thoughts.