Ever celebrated your friends birthday for 3 days, plus a tie in with some weekend madness? Adds up to..around 5 days of multi-party-bday fun. Reminds you of those Indian weddings that goes on for days: How it all started... Chippys for steak & mushroom pies, Al's Diner for jello shots, prive 1/2, krn boys, dance, dance, rest, burger quest at bull dogs, house party, taboo, guitar heroes, more jello shots, prive 2/2, simon's table, more dance, rest, taiwanese drama, work, surprise bday party hats, BOO! frds expression = priceless, apple cidor acting as champagne, tiramisu cake, jizz in my pants haha, rest, work, sc frds art opening at fringe club, SC reunion?, jap all you can eat, rest, day trip to macau, portugeese food, lots of bread avec butter, jumping in random places for quick digestion, po tart, intense go cart race, venetian: neh mama day, mgm: wayy better, wynn: like the interior but smells like a toilet, more portg food, rest, work work, biggest h.o. till 6-7pm, chilled @ mo's, congee & thai, lotr xbox + guitar heroes, heartbreak kid, rest, borrowed books at library for the first time, cwb lunch, bought two books as per flow's recommendation.
I think I have a newfound hero in my life. TEEHEE

Pre & post happy times.. ;D